Newport Property News & Updates

Rent Smart Wales enforcement activity is gathering momentum as the one year anniversary of the registration deadline approaches. Two more successful prosecutions have been heard at Cardiff Magistrates Court, including the first commercial agent in Wales to be found guilty of managing properties without a licence.
Landlords of properties England and Wales are being urged to check the energy ratings of any properties they let out to ensure that they do not fall flul of next year's regulatory changes.
From today, for any person or company managing residentail property in Wales a Rent Smart Wales licence has become a legal requirement
Mr Osborne certainly seems to have it in for private residential landlords!  Here's a breakdown of the tax changes he has brought to bear over the last few budgets with some helpful examples
Lesley Griffiths, the Minister for Communities and Tackling Poverty, has at last announced the introduction date for the new Rent Smart Wales initiative. Contained in the Housing (Wales) Act 2014, part 1, the  new legislation will be introduced on 23 November 2015. Cardiff City Council will act as the licensing authority, and will run a website and...